
Bringing a case study to life

Granberg 2024

Granberg is a leading manufacturer of protective gloves for a wide variety of industries. Having been in operation for more than 60 years, Granberg are a well-recognised name in the PPE market, with a portfolio of over 250 gloves, which are sold worldwide.


Granberg wanted to tell the story of their collaboration with one of their valued customers, Archer, to develop the market leading GRANBERG 6050 protective glove. Rather than rely solely on a written case study, they sought to bring it to life in a visually engaging way. The request was for a video, featuring representatives from both Granberg and Archer, that told the story of the collaborative process and how it benefited both companies. There was also a desire to showcase the glove itself, ideally in a ‘real world’ environment. The content, format and duration of the video needed to be suitable for social media and YouTube. Granberg turned to Project Neon to make it happen.

We kicked-off with a discovery session with Granberg to gain a solid understanding of their expectations and what they wanted the video to achieve.

Key considerations included:


  • Key messaging: Identifying the main messages to communicate and what the viewer should take away after watching the video.
  • People: Determining who should feature in the video and why.
  • Locations: Deciding where the footage should be captured and why
  • Product: Finding the best way to showcase the product in the video?
  • Logistics: Coordinating the timing, location and attire for those appearing on camera. Addressing any safety considerations relating to filming locations.


Having understood the project scope, we teamed up with Rastløs Produksjon – a Stavanger-based video production company, for filming and post-production.

Since the project involved collaboration between multiple companies, we managed the entire process. This included coordinating logistics with Archer, whose facilities were chosen as the ideal location for the shoot. We kept their team involved throughout the process, from planning to completion.

The next step was storyboarding the video. This included the creation of a script and a scene-by-scene storyboard that outlined all the footage to be captured. The script was part of a master document that also contained the project logistics, including timings, attendees, location and requirements for attire and set-ups for each scene.

We worked closely with the video production company during the storyboarding process to ensure alignment on visuals and interview segments. Once the script and storyboard were approved by both Granberg and Archer, we agreed a shooting date and handled all related logistics between the relevant parties.

On the day of the shoot, we spent a full day at the Archer facilities, filming in multiple workshop areas and capturing interview segments with representatives from both companies. We managed the filming logistics in close collaboration with Archer and Granberg, enabling Rastløs Produksjon to capture a full range of footage in a timely manner – keeping any disruption to the active workplace to a minimum.

Following the shoot, the post-production process began, with both Granberg and Archer given the opportunity to input on amends before the final version was signed off.


The story of how Granberg and Archer collaborated, over a two-year period, to perfect the design of the GRANBERG 6050 glove was brought to life in 2-minute video. Granberg CEO, Ole Marthon and Kathe-Mari Solberg Hansen, Health and Working Environment Manager at Archer both featured in the video, along with drone and workshop footage.

The video included Granberg branding and logos of both companies on screen for the full duration, with subtitles to enhance accessibility. The video was delivered in 4K resolution with versions created for social media and YouTube.

Granberg now has a high-quality, engaging piece of video content that showcases their innovation and collaborative spirit, as well as the key features of their industry leading glove.


Video & photography


Our collaboration with Project Neon on a case study video was outstanding. Their professionalism and meticulous planning stood out, making them a fantastic team to partner with. We were delighted with the final product.

Estelle Granberg
Marketing Manager, Granberg AS

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